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Porn is Good for You!

As it turns out, according to a new study in Australia, pornography can be a useful tool for reducing stress and injecting a little passion into your marriage. An article summarizing the study can be found here and here. Of course, with something as controversial as this nutjob idea, there are always prudes out to discredit the idea (I mean, golly, how could nudity be anything but sheer evil?), as is discussed here. They point out that pornography, like automobiles, gives bad people another way to hurt others. And of course, who could be a more sympathetic victim than our children? Please, think of the children—as it turns out, sexual predators (who molest children) also enjoy pornography quite a bit. It is obvious (apparently) that pornography is thus either an indicator of sexually predatory impulses, or causes sexual predators to go after children. One of the most amusing bits of this article is that it asserts that “No man who regularly uses pornography can have a healthy sexual relationship with a woman.” and then turns around and almost completely reverses itself in the very next sentence: “Good, healthy erotica is one thing (if you can find it), but the sex depicted in standard porn is wholly devoid of intimacy and affection.” I’m glad this fellow is out there, surfing the web to find how depraved some people might be.

In other news, the befuddlement of mankind continues.


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