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Second Grade Classroom Photo Op

cover.jpg If you can recognize this photograph, you know what it means. This is a picture of President George W. Bush on September 11, 2001 sitting in a second-grade classroom, as he is informed that the second plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. He had been informed of the first plane before entering the room. It galls me that, while he'd been told by several people, including the US Commission on National Security/21st Century a few months earlier, not to mention Clarke and other terrorism advisors that a terrorist attack, possibly involving planes, was likely around then, that instead of take up the reigns - go to an "undisclosed location" or something, instead he continued with his photo-op. Better presidents have cancelled photo-ops to drive to Salt Lake City and settle UNION disputes, much less possible terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. So, I think this photo is telling. What, you might ask, did I expect him to be doing? I don't know. I'm fairly confident that there's something a president can do while our country is under attack besides listen to second graders read the Itsy-Bitsy Spider to him. MY eyes were glued to the television while it was going on, watching in horror. You'd think that would be the LEAST of what the President of our fine nation would be doing.

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