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Almost Like Deja-Vu

Going to Notre Dame certainly is an experience. I went to one of the dining halls today (the South Dining Hall) and good god what an eye-opener that was. Where OU is brushed stainless steel, ND is aged wood. Where OU is generic, 70's, and indestructable, ND is specially-made, 1900's, and mostly indestructable. Where OU has food, ND has food to cater to your every conceivable whim. It's that different.

I was also noticing how people look. There seems to be a different sort of "generic" person here. "Generic" people here generally don't wear jeans (they wear some other dark color), and they wear grey sweatshirts, don't wash their hair, and have headphones. OU was... different. And there are the typical stereotypes here - emaciated women, jock guys, etc. But I've noticed the most peculiar thing, which is that some people look nearly identical to people I knew back at OU (well, maybe not knew, but recognized). It's... really very odd, and makes me begin to question the validity of my memories of OU.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 8, 2002 4:41 PM.

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