Dr. Kyle B. Wheeler

I am a Software Development Engineer (SDE) in Amazon's Alexa organization. More specifically, I work in the Alexa Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Engine Algorithms Core team, and I work on the support infrastructure of the Alexa speech recognition software library. I've been many things before, from a manager to a large-scale lightweight threading researcher. I received my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 2009.

I am or have been involved in several software projects, most notably Qthreads and Portals4. I have written a book about qmail: Qmail Quickstarter.

The above picture is one that I took of the Sandia mountains from the Sandia Crest Trail in late January 2005 (the city of Albuquerque is off to the right).



Dealing with failure is easy: Work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handle: You've solved the wrong problem. Work hard to improve.

—Alan Perlis

Contact Information

  1. -Email me

  2. -Cell: 513-307-3322

  3. -PGP Key